Marketing, Finance, and Operations 101 Video Series
Submitted on Wed, 08/22/2018 - 00:00
PPS has developed multiple educational video series to ensure that every PPS member has fundamental business management knowledge in Marketing, Finance, and Operations. The courses below can be accessed at anytime in the PPS Learning Center and are free to PPS members
In this 5-module, video series, learn how to define your target audience and develop a brand promise that engages customers. Discover marketing best practices, and tools to develop your marketing plan and accompanying budget. Finally, take a deep dive into three marketing strategies proven effective in marketing a physical therapy practice.
- Module 1: Defining your target audience & developing a brand promise
- Module 2: Developing a marketing plan and budget
- Module 3: Referral source marketing
- Module 4: Internal marketing
- Module 5: Consumer/community outreach & marketing
Operations 101 provides an introduction to Key Performance Indicators and outlines the standardized definitions of recommended KPI's used to manage physical therapy practices. In modules two and three of this 3-part series, participants will learn how to use data and metrics to successfully manage practice operations, and will develop a strategy to create successful KPI performance.
- Module 1: Introduction to Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)
- Module 2: Using KPI's in your Physical Therapy Practice
- Module 3: Management and Impact of KPI's on Your Practice
Finance 101 is a free, multi-module, video series that provides a solid foundation for those managing the finances of a physical therapy practice. The series was designed for non-financial people to gain improved understanding of bookkeeping methods, financial statements, and key terms requisite to successfully managing the finances of a physical therapy practice.
- Module 1: Setting the Stage: Introducing key financial terms and concepts
- Module 2: Finance for Non-Financial People
- Module 3: Financial Statements
- Module 4: Using Finance in Your Practice
- Module 5: Bringing it All Together
- Module 6: Real Life Questions
- Module 7: How To and Tools